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Color Chart
The perfect pants for anytime, anyplace, our single colored thai pants are available in the colors you see below! They are available in two materials - 100% Cotton (Slightly grainy to the feel with a nice raw look) and 100% Rayon (Soft & flowy & very heavenly). There's a choice of full length pants which ends near the ankle, or the 3/4 cut which ends mid calf. Simply step into the pants, wrap one side of the pants around your hips, tie the string at your waist, and roll/fold the top down. Voila! Stylish Comfort!

Hand wash or gentle machine wash in cold water separately. Color will bleed for the first few washes but does not affect vibrancy of the color of the pants. Warm steam iron.

S$19.00 (For orders within Singapore only)



Actual colours may differ slightly from the colour chart due to differences in individual user's monitor screen/print settings.