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NEW!! Embroidery...

We're proud to bring you our NEW range of Thai Fisherman's pants!!
A skillfully hand stitched 10" design of a phoenix with a full plumage and a long feathered tail perched on a peony branch adorns the side of our 100% cotton Thai Fisherman pants. The excellent workmanship of the stitching, the layering, the knots and the attention to detail makes the intricate motif come alive!!  Stylish & Exotic.  This is a fashion must have! 
There are limited pieces available for this new range and this design is unique only to SORTSPANTERS.  So grab a pair now before its all gone!!

Dry Cleaning Recommended
Hand/Machine Wash in cold water possible.  DO NOT SOAK.

S$79.00 (For orders within Singapore only)


Available Colors -
Turquoise, Dull Purple, Red, Orange
(Black, Dark Green & Bright Blue are sold out)